Thursday, May 28, 2009

First Dance Recital

Peyton had her very first dance recital Memorial Day weekend. We all came out to see her perform - mama, daddy, Emily, Franny, Uncle Patrick, Aunt Colleen and Grandma. Her class did a great job on the big stage, especially since this was the first time they had ever performed without someone doing the routine with them. Afterwards, each student was presented with a trophy, which Peyton is very proud of! She got flowers after her performance and some dance prizes from Aunt Colleen including a necklace/bracelet, Angelina Ballerina books and a dance picture frame. Her baby sister knows the dance by heart, also. After a year of dance lessons, Emily watched enough to know exactly how to do the "Cuddly Duck" routine. Emily has informed us she wants to take dance lessons in the fall. This should be interesting!

1 comment:

Smith family said...

Thanks for my birthday card! Hope to see you soon.
