Sunday, November 2, 2008

We're off to See the Wizard ...

The whole family got into the spirit of Halloween with our version of the Wizard of Oz starring Shawn as the Tin Man, Courtney as Glenda the Good Witch, Peyton as Dorothy and Emily as the Scarecrow. Props to Shawn for making his own outfit, with no help from me.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Nice dress, Glenda...I'm glad someone is getting some use out of it. Ya'll look so cute. Get Frances in touch with technology and send me the rest of the pics from Halloween night from her camera.
So, you got my text with my beautiful artwork? I must say I was pretty proud of my kitty cat pumpkin. Our Halloween consisted of me dressing like a black cat and giving out candy to all of two trick-or-treaters, then drinks at Chili's, and later scary movies on HBO, lol. I still have a ton of candy for Peyt and Emmie to continue their sugar highs!
Well, talk to you soon. I suppose the next time I will be in will be Thanksgiving...only a few weeks away!
